Thursday, April 12, 2012

A to Z Challenge the letter K = Kindness

I have been trying hard to increase the kindness I release to the universe lately.  So, after reading a story about a woman (and several blogs by others that did this after her) about doing a certain amount of random acts of kindness by her birthday, I decided to look at this closer.

Random Acts of Kindness are just that, a kindness that you do for someone totally unexpected. Some of the stories were inspiring. One lady put quarters in the candy machines inside a large store and taped a little note about Random Acts of Kindness to them. One man ran around the bookstore and placed dollar bills in different books.

Performing a Random Act of Kindness can be as simple as an anonymous encouraging note left on a bench or leaving books you have read at a coffee shop. You may do dozens of these acts and give no thought to it but, out of all of those people receiving them, one of those people could experience a helpful and encouraging moment during a bad time in their life.

These lovely cards and the artist’s inspiring story can be found here! Some other sites to help get you in the spirit are listed below:
Mike Swanson designed some business card sized cards here.
SpreadKindness.Org has awesome stories and printout cards as well.

Today's challenge is to do a random act of kindness for someone. I'll give you a hint about mine, I bought a bag of 300 lollipops today. I'll try to post the results this weekend!

1 comment:

Sherry Gloag said...

Sometimes it can be as simple as a kind word. On more than one occasion I have later learned that something I said impacted positively on the recipient, and at the time I was 'just talking' with them.
Also try giving someone a smile 'it doesn't cost you anything.
Well once upon a time that may have been true, but still giving that smile to the right person when they need it cam make a difference.

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